Thursday, 19 May 2011

Day Seven: Satya Prapanca

He'll always be my Panci, Cici, Pranky, Pancious, Cipluk, my other half :)

Nothing much I can say about this one particular man.
He’s smart, always know what to say or do in any given time.
He’s wise, and has a different point of view that never stops to amaze me.
He teaches me about differences and how to appreciate them.
He introduces me to new music, new movies, and new point of view.
He encourages me to learn new things everyday, and to make good with what I got.
He makes me to do best with everything I do.
He makes me stronger.
He’s my best friend, my teacher, my other half.

The challenge is to post a picture of someone that has the biggest impact on me. I’ve just known him for this last 4 years, but already he becomes a part of my world.

Satya Prapanca, you have no idea how you have transform me into a better person. 
And for that, I thank you. =*


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day Six: My First Love

Oh my, I wonder what I should do with this challenge. The challenge is to post about your first love or ex-boyfriend. First, I don’t have any ex-boyfriend. This is my first relationship ever. It’s true! And then, first love. My first love was Jon Bon Jovi! I’ve big crush on Bon Jovi when I’m 9 years old.  His album was the first cassette I bought. I put his posters in my room. I listened to his song like every time. How on earth could I have my picture with him?! I mean, he’s far away in America, while I’m stuck in this so-called metropolitan!

But, a challenge is a challenge. So, I’m taking initiative to…

Me and Jon

Yep, right! Pimp my picture and put it next to him! Hahahaha. Thanks to plixr *wink*. Again, sorry for the lame photo editing. I'm a newbie :p

So, what do you think? You think we’re perfect for each other?  Yeah? Really? Awww… you’re too kind *blush*


Monday, 16 May 2011

Day Five: I've Been To the Moon and Back

A picture of somewhere you’ve been to. Really? Just one picture?? Arrggh. It's not fair!
What picture should I post. 
After collecting all my travelling pictures, sort them out, and choose the picture I like the most, and the winner is....

Gili Trawangan. October 18th 2010.

What can I say about the place?! It's AH-MAY-ZIIIING! There's no car, no pollution, no traffic jam, no worries, beaches every where, in other words, FUN every where!

I go there with my significant other. We spent 5 days in Gili Trawangan. We spend the days hanging out in the beach, eating frenzy, cold beer, aaahhh HEAVEN!

I can't say much about the place. My words cannot describe the beauty of this place. Why don't you go there someday, and experience the beautiful Gili Trawangan. Oh, it would be lot better if you go there with your love one :p

If you want to know more about Gili Trawangan, please visit this site.


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Day Three: Friends Are Born, Not Made

So the third challenge is to post picture(s) of me and my friends. So, everyone, please meet my dearest friends. By the way, sorry, but I'm gonna cheat this time. I planned to write something about them. But my work has confiscated my time a lot, I barely have time to write :'(

But I promise I'll write the story. Soon,

The Ndoros

Travel Buddy

Gengges Ceria

Ps. Click for bigger view ;)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day Two: Behind the Coffee Table Conversation

Day Two: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

There’s not much philosophy behind my blog name. Obrolan Meja Kopi, or in English, Coffee Table Conversation, came up from my routine with my besties. We would hang out every once in a month, usually in a coffee shop, and talk about love, live, and everything surrounds it. I want this blog to be one of the media to share my experience. That’s all. That’s simple :)

This is one of our coffee table moment :)


Monday, 9 May 2011

Day One: Louisa For Dummy.

Oh, by the way, please do not include weekends in this challenge. For I will not blogging in weekends.

This is my recent picture. I just took it several hours before. I was in the office. We were celebrating our colleague’s birthday. Btw, I just cut my hair yesterday. I never let my hair grow so long :D

And then, 15 facts about me (I don’t know whether you’ll find it interesting or not):

  1. I’m a cat lover.
Well actually, I’m an animal lover. Cats, dogs, panda, bear, dolphin, basically any animals that I could play with :p (reptile and bug are exceptions). But cats, well, I have soft spot for them. I used to take stray cats to home. I named every stray cat in my college. I bathe stray cats in my home. I used to have a cat at home, but not anymore. My first cat, Cici, died from an illness. When Cici died, I cried for almost a week! 
This is Cici
My second, Kinkki, get lost while I’m not home. This time I cried too, but not for too long. 
Meet Kinkki
The last one, Tom-tom, I think somebody stole him (curse on him/her). I didn’t cry this time. Tom-tom hasn’t been with me for too long. So I guess the connection between me and Tom-tom isn’t as strong as it is with my two previous cats.
Say hi to Tom-Tom!
  1. I’ve always wanted to live in Italy.
And sometimes I believe that I’m actually an Italian :D I don’t know what I like about Italy. I mean, the food, obviously, but I realize I wouldn’t survive eating pasta and all those creamy and cheesy foods everyday for the rest of my life. I’m a proud Padangnesse when it comes to food.  As for the language, I like how Italian speaks, the dialect, the tone, the body language.

  1. Even earthquake can’t wake me up.
I’m a bad sleeper. I have to admit. That’s one of my bad habits. I think it runs in my family. My cousins once told me how we, the Black family, always get up so late. Yeah, so I guess I have my family to blame on :p

  1. Spice-addict.
As I said earlier, when it comes to foods, I’m a proud Padangnesse. My foods have to be spicy. I’m not a fan of sweet food. I cook my fried rice without sweet soy-sauce. I asked for extra chili every time I dine in.

  1. My current hobby is cooking.
Start from simple dishes, like spaghettis, omelets, mashed potato, anything that easy to prepare. Oh, I want to take a cooking class as well, but they cost a lot! At this moment, Internet’s recipes would do. As they said, experience is the best teacher!

  1. Always want to be a musician.
I learned to play keyboard at 10. I learned to play guitar at 13. Be in a band at the same age. But up until now, I haven’t mastered any instrument nor joined in a band. Crap! And now, I want to learn to play violin, harp, piano, and so on.

  1. Or married a musician ;p
I have weakness for musician. When a man can play an instrument, I think they look sexier :p And, if I have a musician husband, I won’t have to pay for my children music class.

  1. Work as a language editor
It’s been three years I work as a language editor and translator. And actually I enjoyed it. Beside the dreading routines, I have to admit, my job is quite fun. I could watch many good programs while I’m working.

  1. Had left my parents’ house
Since 2002 I live in a rented room. I rarely come home, most of it because my mum has turned my room into a warehouse. So, whenever I came home, I rarely sleep in my own room. Another reason is because my house quite far and it took a very long road trip, not to mention the agonizing traffic. Urgh. The last reason is, I really enjoy my new found freedom living by myself :p

  1. I can’t stand whiny people!
It just irritates me soooooo much! I mean c’mon! Do you have to whine every time you meet a misfortune? Man up!

  1. Music, Movies, Language.
Since I was little, I’ve always excited to learn new language. English was the first foreign language I learned. I learned English from Sesame Street, McGyver, and Bon Jovi’s songs. So I always think, music and movies are the best way to improve your language skills.

  1. Not a risk taker.
It’s not a secret that I’m not a risk taker. I mean, why risk, if you could plan all along, and even prepare the back-up plans? I enjoy to plans everything in the first place. But it doesn’t mean I don’t improvise. When things don’t go right, we always could go left, right?

  1. Nearly can be called as an OCD.
Well, not too much, but I like everything in order. The reason I like to shop on a superstore is because they arrange things so beautifully. Yeah, called me geek, but orderliness is beautiful. I used to arrange my DVD collection by alphabet, and then by genre. Yeah, sue me for being such an organized bitch :D

  1. Obsessed to become a director.
This is the reason why I took Broadcasting as my major in university. I want to be a director, a music clip director to be precise. I watched MTV Making the Video, and I found what I want to be when I grow up. But then, after a while, I realize, I want to be a music clip director not in Indonesia! Hahahaha.

  1. Movie-goer and Music-freak
I love spending weekends at home, just watching movies or just laying down on my bed while listening to my winamp’s play list. My all time fave is Feist, Smashing Pumpkins, Beatles, Mew. While recently I fall for the sound of one Eliza Doolittle, Soko,  and Julia Marcell. 

While movies, recently I’ve just watched An Education, a coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, and how her life changes with the arrival of a playboy nearly twice her age.

So that’s all from me. Gosh I write a lot! Never knew had it in me :p

Btw, this 30 Days Challenge is a project with one of my girlfriend. You cud check her here and make sure she do the challenge too!


Friday, 6 May 2011

30 Days Challenge

Day 01- A recent picture of you, and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 06- A picture of you and an ex boyfriend/girlfriend/first love.
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why?
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
Day 10- A picture of something that describes/relates to your life.
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.
Day 12- How you found out about blog and why you made one.
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 14- A picture of you and your family.
Day 15- A song that relates to your life.
Day 16- Another picture of yourself.
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why?
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else.
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot.
Day 24- A letter to your parents.
Day 25- What I would find in your bag.
Day 26- What you think about your friends.
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 30- Who are you?

Okay! Let's try it on!

Ps. Sorry for the lame photo editing. My Photoshop is not working. So I had to use paint and word. It's agonizing!
Anybody know where can I get free Photoshop software? Kinda desperate here :'(

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Mira Louisa is a Beach Lover

If you ask me which one I would prefer, beach or mountain? I would answer, without any doubt: BEACH!!! Here’s some reason why:
  1. The warm breeze through my hair.
    Sitting on the sand, reading book, enjoying my banana milkshake or some fresh mangoes, and the wind blows softly through my face, strokes my hair, leaving that delightful feeling. How can I’m not love it.

  1. There’s nothing more joyous than playing and swimming in the sea.
The warm water, school of fishes passing by, floating in the water. Ah, heaven on earth.
  1. Any foods and drinks taste much better in the sea side.
    Damn right I love to eat. And being in the beach really works my appetite!

  1. Lying in the sand under the sun relaxes my muscle.
Just lying there, close my eyes, listening to the sounds of waves crashing, people laughing, are such a retreat.
  1. Greatest view!
I find that beach scenery is really beautiful. The white sands meet blue water and blue sky. Oh, and don’t forget some additional nice “view” there. Hell yeah, those “view” really a candy to my eyes ;)
The picture on the right actually is my boyfriend. But he's quite a sight, no?
  1. Beach is one of the most romantic places on earth *blush*
    Just imagine, the sunset, the blue sky, blue water. Plus if you went there with the right person, a kiss on the beach is hard to resist ;)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Sadar Bahasa

Tiba-tiba saya teringat akan blog ini. Blog yang sudah lama saya telantarkan. Menang, menulis tidak pernah menjadi hobi saya. Namun rasanya ingin sekali saya belajar menulis. Itu alasan pertama mengapa saya membuat blog ini.

Setelah dibuat, tentu kemudian saya bingung, apa yang akan saya tulis? Saya tak ingin ini menjadi media curhat saja. Namun lebih sebagai media berbagi. Berbagi ilmu, berbagi kesenangan, berbagi apa saja yang saya tahu.

Lalu terlintas dalam benak saya sebuah topik. Saat ini saya bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan lokalisasi bahasa (atau bisa disebut dalam bidang jasa penerjemahan). Sejak berkerja di sini kesadaran berbahasa saya semakin meningkat. Kini saya mampu membedakan fungsi di- sebagai awalan atau kata depan, dan bagaimana penulisannya. Hahaha. Terdengar remeh memang. Namun ternyata Bahasa Indonesia tak semudah yang kita kira. Meski itu bahasa ibu kita, namun mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia cukup memusingkan kepala. Tak berbeda dengan bahasa lainnya, bahasa kita juga memiliki struktur, tata bahasa, ejaan, dan lain sebagainya, yang terkadang sering dipandang sebelah mata.

Sebagai contoh, ya, kata di- itu. Jangan salah, sampai saat ini saya masih menemukan orang yang mengaku sebagai penyunting bahasa, namun tak bisa membedakan penulisan kedua fungsi di-. Apalagi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Saya yakin Anda pernah menemukan kejanggalan tata bahasa pada fasilitas-fasilitas umum.

Contohnya pada foto di bawah ini.

Foto ini saya ambil pada salah satu kursi dalam maskapai penerbangan domestik bertarif murah. Ini hanya salah satu contoh, loh.

Lain ceritanya lagi dengan menerjemahkan. Sekali lagi, bekerja dalam bidang lokalisasi bahasa, saya sering berhubungan dengan orang yang mengaku sebagai penerjemah. Kenapa saya bilang begitu? Karena seringkali mereka yang mengaku penerjemah ini hanya mengartikan plek-plek dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Salah satu contoh yang pernah saya temukan, ada seorang penerjemah yang menerjemahkan Bloody hell! menjadi…. Ya, benar, “NERAKA BERDARAH”. Sontak saya tertawa melihat kalimat tersebut. Entah apa yang ada dalam pikirannya. Apa ia tidak merasa janggal saat membaca kalimat tersebut?

Saya tak ingin sok pintar di sini. Saya hanya ingin berbagi. Semoga bisa menjadi renungan. Mengalihbahasakan bukan sekadar menerjemahkan kata per kata. Kita harus melihat lagi konteksnya. Ubah kalimat dalam bahasa asing tersebut ke dalam bahasa keseharian kita. Masak iya, ada orang yang mengumpat sambil meneriakkan “Neraka berdarah!” Atau mungkin lain kali akan ada ungkapan “Sapi suci!”. Hahaha.
